Anand's programming Blog

Thoughts and comments on Java software development.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Making JetBrains IDEA faster

Sorry this blog is only relevant to IDEA IDE users. But thought I will give the tips as I am sure there are many who may benefit.

1) If you have plenty of memory resource in computer give it to IDEA. I have seen that performance of IDEA is optimal at 512 MB heap size. You can do this by changing the VM options text file located at your IDEA install under bin directory. The name of the file is idea.exe.vmoptions.

2) Go to project setting and click on the IDE tab and turn off

** Synchronize files on frame activation
** Save file on frame deactivation
** File save on IDE being idle.

3) Remove unnecessary files from project by adding them in excluded. This can be done by setting the project properties and adding folder locations in excluded tab.

4) Avoid using shared views in source paths, local files are always faster.

5) I have seen that IDEA sometimes need a restart, lame but true , to be faster after being active for some days.


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